Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dear Aunt Mary Assignment



Hi Aunt Mary!

I'm so glad you consider me smart enough to ask me these questions!

I would like to start out by saying there is no such thing as “MyFace.” The two most popular online social networking sites are MySpace and Facebook. These sites allow you to stay connected with your friends and meet new people. There are opportunities to join groups where people have similar interests as you.

If I have not already given you a headache, I would like to tell you more about Myspace and Facebook. Both sites allow you to upload pictures and files. You can post comments on your friend’s pages and send them private messages. There are also applications on the site to post blogs! Now you can post your LONG stories and complaints of your dogs and how they crap around the house instead of telling us on the phone about it!!!

My friends use both Myspace and Facebook to stay connected with each other. MySpace gives you more freedom because you can have songs and videos on your page and edit the background. This site was originally created as a way for bands to showcase their music. You can look at other people’s pages without their consent unless they have made their profile private.

I used to have a MySpace account but lost interest due to the high rate of obsessiveness of the students in my former high school.

Facebook is directed towards mature people. It was originally created for college students but has become of use by younger/older people as well. You can share pictures and have an ease at communicating with your friends since there are limited options. Also, Facebook has more privacy because people can’t view your information or pictures unless they are added as a friend. There are Facebook groups you can join that pertain to certain topics and you might find some of interest!

If you are interested in connecting with other people or finding a new pastime, I suggest you join Facebook. I have an account there and have found the site to be easier and more private than MySpace. I’m sure you can reconnect with relatives or old friends. Please be cautious of people who add you as friends. Not everyone is who they say they are!

If you decide to join Facebook or MySpace and need further help, email me back!

Just a side note: I am a very busy college student so if you ever add me as a friend…and I don’t add you back…don’t think I’m ignoring you because I have lots of things on my account I don’t want you to see...

With much love,

Shahnaz Khan

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